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For as the trees of the forest are rooted deep in the ground, even as the fires come they do not flee and even as they are charred they will not flee, such are many of my children today, they know me but their feet are buried in the ground and do not move as the fires approach. For this is why I gave you my Son, that you should pull up your feet from the ground and come and walk with me and receive your healing, receive your deliverance, receive your salvation thus saith the Lord.
A vision was given to me but no word came with it. The vision was of a mountain range with an intense storm approaching with deep purple skies over taking the mountain range. There was a huge field of tall 5-6ft green grass that was blowing in the wind as the storm approached the colors were incredible. I received this vision on several occasions thereafter.
On June 8th I prayed for revelation;
On June 9th I received the following revelation; Even the mountains in all their glory are not a barrier unto the storm, yet the grasses of the field, even the tall grasses, rejoice with the wind as the storm approaches, though they are bowed by the fury of the storm they are strengthened by its rains. My people are likened unto the grasses of the fields as they are indeed strengthened by the storms.
An audible word came to me while reading Luke 21:25. 'This will be the last Jubilee' (see Leviticus 25). The word was spoken into my right ear, the voice was male and spoken with certainty and authority no emotion or inflection. I perceived this was spoken by a messenger and in my spirit I feel that there is an urgency.
For the day of repentance has come, how long will you pervert my ways, how long will you bow to idols and how long will you seek wickedness over righteousness? For my people I shall make a way but for the wicked these days shall be like boils upon the flesh, unrelenting torments. Though my people see my signs, to the wicked there is no understanding for they do not know my Word, nor will they humble themselves to seek my face. Many woes to come, many devastation's to endure. Seek now my face or be forever lost. For I Am the Lord.
You attack the brethren as ravenous wolves, ready to cut their flesh to the bone, never knowing why I have called them, lacking understanding of my ways, quick to judgment, quicker to proclaim the brethren as false. Never seeing that which are blessings, for everyone to your eyes is a curse. As I sent Paul to correct the Corinthians who even in their error he corrected them not in bitterness but in love, not in a rush to judgment but rather in patience recognizing gifting while gently correcting error. You attack them to destroy all parts both error and gifting as you see them thru your eyes. Know this, my ways are not as your ways, nor my thoughts as your thoughts. I will lift my sheep up from the ravenous wolves that attack them so that they shall feed upon them no more.
Oh my child, a heart of flesh mingled with stone so that my seed cannot grow. Never seeking the truth only that which seems right unto the world. Enduring pain and suffering without resolve and without understanding. How long will you turn your face from me while signs of my coming are all around you? Do you not know that the time of the end is near? do you not know the reward of the wicked is at hand ? and do you not know for which you shall be counted? for righteousness or for wickedness? but there is no middle ground. Hear my word.
Where are my people in this season; for they come adorned in ribbons and bows, with wrappings and ornaments and all that is shiny and bright; yet their inward parts have grown cold and their coldness has extinguished the Fire. I see their hearts, I know their Fire has left; for what was a burning fire has become a flicker. Stand up and proclaim the power and might of the Lord; reclaim your ground; repent and call my name and seek my face. Renew your passion for prayer and worship me says the Lord.
Where are my soldiers saith the Spirit of the Lord? I have seen the pain inflicted upon you, never having felt love and only knowing hurt; yet never breaking the curse, instead you have carried it forward believing this is your destiny; stand up my soldiers for the time is now to break the curse; lay aside the sins that you inherited and know that I am the Lord, I am your deliverer; I will cover you in times of darkness, I will protect you from the wiles of the Devil, I will set you free, seek my face and know that I am the Lord.
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