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Where is my flock of which I have given an abundance? Though I have given you eyes, do you not see those amongst you that lack? Do you not know that they are of my flock also? Are they not brothers and sisters? Do you think you are loved because of your abundance and they are hated for there lack? They hunger, yet you pass them by, they thirst and you look away, in the winter they are cold and in the summer they are hot, yet you offer nothing out of your abundance as you drive by them. During this season you will squander your abundance on ribbons and bows and twinkling lights and you think nothing of giving generously to others who also have an abundance but offer nothing to those who lack. Know this, for the day is near that they will have their abundance and you will have reaped your reward. Know my word, for whatsoever you do to them you do unto me also.
While sitting on the porch a strong wind came out of the north and the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart.....Son of Man, have you given thought as to why the leaves of the ground are scattered about by the wind? For these leaves have no root in the ground thus they are cast about wherever the wind shall take them. Such are my flock, for they are led to and fro by words that tickle their ears and doctrines of devils and false prophets. Having not been rooted in my Word they are scattered about thus lacking faith in my word and the power thereof. For behold I have given them power over all evil yet they resist the power; I have given them authority over all manner of illness and they will not take it. Lacking understanding they are separated from the truth. Know this, for my Word is truth and faith in my word shall overcome all. Thus saith the Lord.
Where are my Watchmen? For I set you up upon a wall to watch for my signs and wonders, to let my sheep know that my coming is near. But you are in judgement, brother against brother and sister against sister, you have left your first love. Are you not of the same army? Yet my signs are all around you but my sheep are not alerted nor are they aware, for my watchmen have wandering eyes and are self righteous. Know this, their blood shall be on your heads and that is how you will be judged saith the Spirit of the Lord!
I have seen your affliction at the hands of unholy men from the time of your youth, every pain you felt, I endured, every tear you shed I shed with you.
Even in your rebellion I held your hand and as you dealt with tribulation upon tribulation, you did not fall for I carried you.
Even when you heard my call in faith and even yet do you still wonder and marvel at my ways asking why is my path still encumbered with thorns and thistles, I carry you.
Thus saith the Spirit of the Lord; can one not be acquainted with sorrow and minister to those in sorrow?
How will one root up weeds sown in among the wheat without the knowledge of weeds and wheat.
How can you minister to those who are sick without understanding, how can you deliver those oppressed without knowledge of evil and how can one do anything for the Glory of my kingdom without my word, my name and my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.
As I bless the harvest so too have I blessed you for your season is near. There will be nothing hidden for I will reveal your path, I will clear the thorns for you are more than a conqueror and I shall cover you saith the Spirit of the Lord.
For I am doing a new thing saith the Spirit of the Lord for I am pouring out my Spirit upon all flesh, I am raising-up an army of warriors and I am equipping them in all ministries.
For my apostles shall prophesy and my prophets shall evangelize; my evangelists shall pastor and my pastors shall teach.
There will be no aspect of ministry my people will not be equipped in.
They will say but Lord how will this be for I am fresh to the word and not expert?
And I shall say is it by your strength and power or by my Spirit? saith the Lord of Hosts.
Rise up, rise up my people and believe for in faith all things are possible thru me saith the Spirit of the Lord; For my people will walk in an anointing the likes of which have never been witnessed; will you believe, will you believe, Saith the Lord?
Will you take the step in faith by my word for my word is truth?
How long shall the blind be in darkness and the lame bound; How long shall the ears of the deaf be closed and the in-firmed with illness;
For even the shadows of my people will lift their darkness and every word from every ministry by which I call them to minister will cause demons to flee and there shall be no evil befall them;
Rise up, rise up and believe and see that in faith these things shall come to pass. The prayers of my intercessors shall not fall to the ground but be heard and answered in Heaven. I will incline my ear toward them saith the Lord and I will lift them up.
Will you receive and pick up your mantles? Will you take the first step in faith?
For this is warfare of the highest order and I am calling my people to serve saith the Lord.
Strong in the word but weak in my power. Much knowledge and much pride in that knowledge, yet no fire. Having knowledge without application, likened to a soldier without his weapon. Immersed in a carnal battle yet the enemy is spiritual and not knowing how to fight it you breed contempt for it and self justify your inactivity. My sheep know my voice and humbly receive my Spirit and fire. Humble yourselves and receive and move in faith for my Word is alive and a never ending flame. Seek and you shall find it, repent and I will light your way, forgive and so will I, pray and I will fortify you. Prepare yourselves for battle and I will move in you and the enemy will flee, illness will flee and darkness will flee from my light.
For I am seeking a people who are not ashamed of my name saith the Lord, a people who will boldly proclaim my word in the midst of danger. A people that will not bow down to evil in persecution, a praying people who will incline their ears to me, a faithful people who will trust in me that I shall lift them up in trouble. Will thou lay hands on the sick that I shall heal them or on the ears of the deaf so that they shall hear or open the eyes of the blind and cause the lame to walk. Do you not know that the demons flee at the sound of my name. There are no boundaries in my name saith the Lord, for in faith all things are possible.
Have you made yourselves ready as the bride saith the Spirit of the Lord? Have you shared my word with those close to you? Have you boldly proclaimed my name to those in unbelief and those lost in their sins and wickedness. For my return is imminent saith the Lord. With great thunderings and lightnings will I appear and every man, woman and child shall bow. Every atheist, every agnostic, every unbeliever, every one bound by religion and false doctrine, every agent of Satan, there will be none left standing as everyone shall be on their knees with their faces pressed to the ground in the presence of holiness. For in that moment they shall all know that I am the Lord and in that same instant they will know that it is too late to seek forgiveness, too late to proclaim my name, too late for their salvation for they have counted themselves amongst the thorns saith the Spirit of the Lord.
Where are my soldiers in these days? Am I a God that should raise up an army but provide them no weapons? Am I a God that would say I will not leave nor forsake you then lead you to slaughter? The legions of darkness have amassed their armies against you to seek your destruction. Will you not take up the Sword of the Spirit which is my Word? Will you not pray? For my word says that just one of you will set 1000 to flight and 2, 10000, yet why do you delay? Where are my intercessors? Where are My Prophets and Prophetesses? Where are my anointed ones, my healers, my deliverers, my prayer warriors? Call on my name saith the Lord and I will deliver you as for I have given you authority over all evil and nothing shall by any means harm you.
Standing on your mountain of self righteousness, a beacon to the lost, a light bearer to those in sin, but as Satan came as an angel of light, the light you bear shall lead those to utter darkness. Calling that which is evil good and good evil, A kin to those of the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, not knowing that it was more tolerable for them than it will be for you. A flag of many colors waived in my face in the name of pride; an abomination, never knowing my word that I shall resist the proud and exalt the meek. Denying the truth of my love by the deception of lust. Believing you will stand obstinately before me but in the presence of holiness will your knees buckle and your back give way, a crumpled-and broken heap upon your face before the Lord only then knowing the truth. Repent now and humble yourselves while there is grace saith the Lord of Hosts for the day of my judgement draws near and I shall show you the truth of my light that will lead you out of darkness.
For I shall cause my light to expose the hearts of the wicked and their evil shall be displayed to all saith the Lord Of hosts. They shall flee into the darkness but shall find no comfort they shall cry out from their torment but shall not be heard. They shall seek peace and shall find none ,for they shall be counted among the wicked. Though the signs of my coming are all around they repent not nor do they seek me in their arrogance. For their eternity shall be in darkness, their torment unrelenting, their pain everlasting saith the Lord. s
The word of the Lord came to me during prayer while I was inquiring of the Lord as to the identity of the False Prophet, upon answering me the Spirit of the Lord said the following;
Get a pad and pen and write these things down; And the Holy Spirit said:
1- A bowl has been poured out.
2- The Storms have begun
3- A vial unto the Nations
4- A scepter unto the Kings
For the river is wide and the current swift; Neither can the bottom be seen for the waters are stirred and we know not what lies beneath and the forest is dense on the other side so that we will not know what awaits us once we cross the river. Wait on me , saith the Lord for I will make you a way, that you may walk on dry land in the midst of the river and no serpent shall harm you and I will make thy way clear through the forest and nothing shall by any means harm you. Wait on me saith the Lord.
The following word came to me regarding the "Prosperity" and "Laodicean" churches of today:
Oh ye tenders of my flock! Why do not my sheep hear my voice.? Why are they wanderers about the world seeking that which shall deceive and devour them? This is so because they are not being taught my word. Your vain babbling’s are spoken forth to edify yourselves for your profit thus leading them astray. My word is a two edge sword that can separate bone from marrow. Henceforth repent and speak ye my word for I shall surely judge you by yours.
Oh my Prophets, for I anointed you to speak my word yet you mingled my words with your words. Can you mix corrupt water with pure water within a vial and hope to pour out pure water? Seeking to tickle the ears of man you have corrupted my word. Seeking self promotion and gain, you prophesy prosperity in exchange for offerings, taking from those that have not to give, prophesying by your words the multiplying of their offerings. Am I not a God that by my word can prosper them? Workers of inequity, do you not know that you should not add nor take away from my word lest you are made a liar. I shall pour my wrath upon you lest you repent and return that which you have taken from my children by your corruption. Woe to them that prophesy their words in my name for in that day, I the Lord shall judge every word they have spoken.
You stand on your mountain of self righteous indignation, speaking condemnation to the lost; rejoicing for the day of my coming so that they will then know the truth and suffer. Do you not know that you will have an equal share in their torments for your hearts are hardened and there is no love in you for my lost sheep. REPENT, for the day is near. Have I not said to love your enemies? Speak gently and patiently with all loving kindness and let not your countenance be saddened if they do not hear, for I know their hearts and yours.
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